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How To Wash Your Car… It’s Complicated

Knoxville, TN, United States

So do you really need a detailer to wash your car for you? After years of

building my mobile auto detailing business here in Knoxville, Tennessee I’ve found that

some people LOVE washing their own vehicle, or they just think it’s so simple that they

couldn’t possibly pay someone else to do it!

As someone who loves to do things myself… I totally understand the heart cry!

Washing your car can be therapeutic and fulfilling, but as a detailer… I constantly hear

customers underestimate what it takes to tend to their vehicle properly.

If you are a do-it yourselfer, I want to give you a few tips that will maximize your

car washing abilities here in this short post!

1. Firstly, use real car shampoo! Dawn dish soap had its day, but there are too

many great options DESIGNED for car paint available today to cut corners here!

The Knoxville Tennessee sun does not play around in the summer time, and if

you’re going to have soap dry to the paint.. You want it to be CAR SHAMPOO!

2. Secondly, rinse your wash mitt off in between panels! When you are washing a

dirty car, collecting that dirt in your mitt, and dunking it back into your buckets,

your not rinsing enough dirt off your mitt to SAFELY wash without scratching.

Just use a second bucket to rinse the mitt, and you will thank me later!

These two things alone will change your car washing life without a detailer!

Sounds weird for a detailer to say right? Well.. that’s because I care about your paint

just as much as you do! The truth is, to truly protect your car paint here in Knoxville for

the long term, there is nothing better than a ceramic coating, but more on that later!

Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Follow us on social media!


By Estera Ciui December 15, 2021
Ceramic coatings are what everyone is talking about in the Knoxville, Tennessee auto detailing scene. We hear all kinds of information (fact & fiction) surrounding ceramic coatings, so we wanted to clear up the confusion as much as Possible… First of all: WHY ARE CERAMIC COATINGS SO EXPENSIVE??? Isn’t it absurd to pay $2,000 to put a glorified wax on your car’s paint? Isn’t that only something that “rich car guys” would do? Well… not exactly. We find that most of our customers here in Knoxville don’t totally understand what a ceramic coating is. Fundamentally, ceramic coatings are the longest term paint protection that exists in the detailing industry. They are a HUGE jump from waxes and sealants which only last a few months at best. Ceramics on average protect for 5+ years, and some even protect for the lifetime of the vehicle. We’re talking water resistant, chemical resistant, scratch resistant, ultra durable paint protection… The difference between a car that IS coated and IS NOT coated after a few years is staggering. Now other than the extreme value (protecting your car for the lifetime that you own it) what’s with the expensive price tag? The other costs come from the labor, technical skill, and time involved preparing the vehicle to actually be coated in the first place. To properly prepare a vehicle to be coated, you are looking at a day’s work minimum. Often (depending on the vehicle) this can extend past a single day of work. We recently ceramic coated a customer’s vehicle here in Knoxville that required a weekend of time and attention. In addition to the time, the ceramic coating installer (that’s us) has to go through pretty intense training programs in order to get their certification, so at some level, we are charging for our expertise. Coatings are changing the car world both for consumers, and those “car people” we all have in our lives. If you have any questions we would love to help! Contact us here.
By Estera Ciui December 13, 2021
Our customers ask us all the time: “What is paint correction?” Well, because most detailers make things SO MUCH more complicated than they need to be… we wanted to make sure all of our Maryville and Knoxville Tennessee detailing customers can get easy answers right here! Paint correction is detailer language for “fixing imperfections in the paint.” Paint imperfections range all the way from basic scratches, to swirl marks, and more. What is a swirl mark you might ask? These are those circular scratches you see in your car’s paint in the sun! Check out the picture below: So why are detailers always talking about paint correction? Well… when a ceramic coating is put on car paint, most of the time there is a necessary amount of paint correction that needs to be done first. This smooths out the surface, and allows the ceramic coating to bond properly to the paint! Not only does it make your vehicle look amazing, but it maximizes the life of the coating! If you have any questions at all about paint correction and you are in the Maryville or Knoxville, TN area, we would love to help clear the fog! Call us anytime!
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